
Our training courses offer a customised, hands-on approach to key topics with an international dimension. Led by an expert who has spent his entire professional life in international environments, we offer you a unique perspective and valuable insights into the world of international trade and intercultural communication.

Our training programmes cover a variety of relevant topics, including:

  • International Trade: Gain a comprehensive insight into the world of international trade. From the basics to advanced strategies, we cover everything you need to know to operate successfully in global markets.

  • Getting started in foreign trade: Learn how to take your first steps in international trade. From market analyses and customs clearance to contract negotiations - we support you every step of the way on your way to doing business abroad.

  • Internationalisation strategy: Develop a clear and effective strategy for the internationalisation of your company. Our training will help you to identify opportunities, minimise risks and plan and implement a successful expansion into new markets.

  • International business etiquette: Learn the unwritten rules and etiquette that are crucial for successful business relationships on an international level. From appropriate behaviour to cultural sensitivities, we will prepare your team to operate confidently in different cultural contexts.

  • Intercultural Communication: Understand the nuances and challenges of communicating in a global environment. Our training will help your team avoid misunderstandings, bridge cultural differences and interact effectively with customers, partners and colleagues from different countries.

  • Cultural theory: Dive into the basic concepts of cultural theory and learn how they influence the business world. From Hofstede's cultural dimensions to analysing cultural paradigms, we give you the tools to understand and leverage cultural differences.

Our training courses are designed to be practical and interactive to ensure that your team can put the knowledge learnt directly into action. We are here to help you realise your global ambitions and make your business successful on an international level.